Ajax orienteering club invites you to a come-and-try-it orienteering event in Tymon Park, Dublin, on Tuesday evening, July 14th. Starts are between 6PM and 7PM.
Courses will close and control collection will start at 8PM.
The car park closes at 8.30PM.
This orienteering event is suitable for all ages and abilities; families with young children are welcome. If you are bringing a large group (e.g. scouts, school) please email
ajax@orienteering.ie so that we can print enough maps for you.
The event will be signposted on
Castletymon road, Tallaght, near the entrance to the National Basketall Arena on Castletymon Road. The park is easily accessible from the M50 motorway.

Tymon park is a typical Dublin urban park with a mix of forested areas and open playing fields. There are three groups of lakes and some hills. The dominant feature is the M50 motorway which bisects the park into two roughly equal halves. This event starts in Tymon Park West on Castletymon Road. The map scale is 1:10,000, with 5m contour intervals.
Long course: about 5Km
Short course: about 2.5km, suitable for buggies
We are using Sportident electronic timing. Timing cards will be available to rent for €2 at the event. Make sure to return to the registration tent and download your SI card immediately after finishing. If you own an SI card please please make sure your Sportident card registration is up-to-date.
See you on Tuesday.